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Really good game loved the screen mechanic. You should make a second one where you can temporarily fly or maybe double jump with the wings.


Thanks for the feedback. I have plans to make an extended version of this game with additional mechanics.

(1 edit)

It was really funny and I like it.

Thanks for playing ^^


Cheers! Keep it up making games, I love to play good indie games :)

It's really fun game.

I like it

Thanks for playing :)


Cool game. I love the little dance when collecting the coin :D

Thanks! Glad that you liked it :)

If I may leave a suggestion, more checkpoints would improve the game. There are a bunch of screens that are nothing but padding, slowly pushing the crate to the only other possible spot it can go; then, if the player dies in a later screen when hazards are finally reintroduced, the player has to redo all the slow, boring stuff again.

Thanks for the feedback! This game is finished and I don't have time to support it anymore. But I plan to make an extended version or a remaster of it. Checkpoints will be there for sure.

Hi friend, 

just played ur game and i love it. 

I enjoyed the fun, the sprites and the palette was gorgeous. 

Heard about your problems too and i'm happy everything is fine now. 

By the way, i heard that a lot of indie games are cloned by chinese because almost nobody translate it : a lot of RPC chinese don't speak english. Period. But they are young and love games!!! One day try to translate a game in chinese and sell it... You'll see. 1 billion more potential customers... 

Good job ! 

Thanks for playing and for your support!

Localization is very important. But this particular game has less than 100 words of text, half of which are default UI things like "play" or "quit". So in my opinion Nymphiad won't suffer from the lack of supported languages. And by the way it is a free game at the moment. I know 3 languages and therefore translated it to them. I won't mind if some fans would provide me with the translation to their languages (there is not much text anyway). I'll be happy to add those!

PS: for example my other game Knightin'+ has Chinese translation but it was stolen too just like this one. So I doubt that the lack of translation is the reason.


Heard about the game theft, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I enjoyed my time with the game and I will follow your profile!

Thanks for playing and for your support!

great game!

thank you very much!

the most frustrating little platformer I've ever played. I'm obsessed. 

Hope that you managed to enjoy it despite the frustration xD

oh I'm loving it! stuck on level 14 now and I don't plan on quitting til I beat the game!

You're almost done. There are 15 levels total. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

How do I beat the level where they introduce lazers?

edit: nvm there's a walkthrough


waiting for nymphiad 2!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your support! I have plans for Nymphiad+ a much longer version with tons of new content and checkpoint system on a big levels :3

good idea!!


Love the art style! Also the browser player looks awesome on the page as well! No idea if this was the intention or just turned out nicely..? Its a nice puzzle game and love the screen move mechanic’s to solve puzzles! I’m currently also working on a puzzle-game playable with a browser I would love to get some feedback on it if you have the time?

In this game for me the “run” instructions made it look like i had to go up between 2 walls above, maybe adding “run” would make it more clear. Also the “R” reset button is a bit close to the “E” for moving blocks, happened a few times that i restarted instead of moved something ;)

But other than that the game is easy to understand and works and feels great! love the character and matching statues and consistent artwork, very well done :) I did get an error i was moving to the right and then clicked outside of the browser with my mouse by mistake and then the character did not stop running to the right until i pressed the “D” button again. And maybe its me but the move “E” control and run/ jump did not feel like the best control layout for me, would it work that run and pickup items is with the same button? So it feels more easy, the game as a casual feel so maybe easier controls work too? No idea.. I would love to give more feedback in case it helps but love the game as is so no idea :D


Hey there!

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback. I have plans to make an extended edition of this game (going to call it Nymphiad+). And your feedback will come in very handy. There are some really neat quality of life improvements in your post :D

As for your game, I'm going to check it out this week. You can expect a very thorough review from me as well ;)


Your welcome! If you ever want some (more) feedback on any game let me know. Getting feedback can be very helpful and giving it makes you think more critically on your own process I think :)


I'm impressed by people, who have the knowledge to create little masterpieces like this.


Thank you very much! Comments like this mean a lot to me

How do you restart the whole game? I wanted to play this again from the beginning but it keeps loading me to the last level I played. 

It is supposed to restart automatically after the final cutscene

oh nevermind . _.


I played the entire 1.1.1 version of the game twice. It was fairly enjoyable. Because this game is very polished, I'll spare the patronizing "nice job!"s and comment like this is a serious game.

SFX fit very well, the music was not annoying.

QOL issues: I held down the shift key for most of the game. E is next to R so sometimes when I try to move a block I restart the level instead. The introduction is unskippable.

The short levels (4 or less screens) were the most fun.

The last level was really tedious. The puzzles in that level weren't super tricky and the platforming wasn't that challenging. It was just tedious having to repeat the first parts of the level so much just to get to the next puzzle section. And the platforming isn't interesting enough to make repeating the level fun.

Sometimes you push the block to a bad spot and can't progress. This forces you to restart the level, forcing you to do the same hokey platforming challenges. This is frustrating. First encountered this issue on level 13.

Some suggestions:

1. To break up the pace, add some pure puzzle levels. And some pure platforming levels.

2. Avoid long levels or add checkpoints to them.

3. Avoid puzzle dead-ends that force you to restart the level.

A more drastic suggestion is to remove most of the platforming and death and focus more on puzzles. I feel the puzzle potential of the shifting camera is under-explored. I would experiment with letting the player shift the camera whenever they want and design some levels around that.

Overall I enjoyed the game.

Thanks for the very detailed review.

You're right about the E and R keys. That's why I added the alternative push/pull controls (X) back in a day. Regarding the holding Shift key, you can toggle the always run mode in the options. I.e. you will be walking while holding Shift key.

In fact I'm working on the extended version of Nymphiad with lots of improvements, new levels and improved old ones. Definitely going to add checkpoints in the long levels there. Hope that I'll manage to finish it this year.

this takes forever to load '-'


That's bad :(

Try downloadable version, maybe it will work better for you


Good Game

Fun video :)

can you try my similar game named missed call 

Deleted 3 years ago

Well, it's obviously not supposed to work like this. Nobody complained about this issue before. I guess that your browser couldn't load all of the game's data. You may try to load the game with the adblock turned off or play it in another browser or download the desktop version. Nice 3 options...


First, I'd like to start by saying the art style is absolutely amazing! I love the puzzles and game design as well! The music is ok, but the star of this app is the gameplay mechanics... very clever using controls, puzzles and level layout to advance further in the game. This one will have people looking up "let's play" vids to solve a few of them for sure lol! Great game, guys!!! 


Thank you very much! A lot of effort was put into this game. I'm very glad that you enjoyed paying it!

What an amazingly put together game this is! For something that has such a simple premise it comes across as one of the most complex, challenging and charming puzzle games I've played in a long time!

The mechanic of slightly altering the view and therefore changing the whole aspect of a level is really, really good. Add to that the wonderfully designed challenges, awesome main character (he's a real charmer) and a subtly kick-ass soundtrack and you've got one heck of a game!

I honestly had so much fun playing this, and I reckon everyone needs to get in on it! Definitely! Like, right now!

Keep up the awesome work my man, this was an experience! =)

Thanks for playing Nymphiad! I enjoyed your video a lot :D
Nice platforming skills! You've almost made it to the end by the way. There are 15 levels total.

I played this game for my Indie Game Showcase. I thought the game was well made and was alot of fun. The puzzles in the game were good too. I recommend this game.

If you are interested in gameplay, here is a gameplay video of the game.

Thanks for playing!

can you try my 2d maze game called missed call

Amazing. Not only art but also the gameplay! Controls feel very nice and intuitive. Great job!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! Glad that you liked it :)

This is great game, I love the art.

Thank you.

Very cute. Very fun! Love the colors.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the video! Glad that you liked Nymphiad.

You can use Shift, Z or J for running. Also you can turn always run mode in options. In this case holding run buttons will make you walk instead. Guess it will be more convenient for you.

PS: game's title is made up from 2 words "nymph" and "Iliad" (Greek mythology references). So it should sound something like [nɪmfiəd] :)


I return with the ending!

Even though it took me longer than it should have, mostly due to several accidents, this was a fun game. I could easily see it as something longer.

Glad to see you again :)

I'm on the second level, playing in Chrome. Shift, Z, and J don't do anything when I push them and I cannot jump high enough to progress the game. Do you recommend a different browser?

I recommend to hold any of these buttons. Then you'll be able to run and jump further. Also you can turn on "always run" mode in options.

(1 edit) (+1)

That was amazing and challenging, art is very cool and simple, character you play with is so cute and the music is very nice, I reached level 11 I think, great game with a great idea, I might come back later to finish more levels, keep up the awesome work :)


Thanks a lot! There are only 15 levels in this game. So it shouldn't take you long to finish it. Hope you'll like the ending :)

AMEIZING puzzle design, holy shit I felt challanged, then rewarded and was understanding the rules as it went, and feeling it to be fair. really well done!

Thanks! Glad that you enjoyed it :)

Show post...

Amazing Game you should get more attantion. 

keep it up

Thanks for your support :)

Amazing Game, The Art Is Brilliant And The Puzzles Are Very Challenging :)

Thank you very much!

And here too: 

You weren't supposed to get up there. That's it! I'll reduce jump height xD

(1 edit)

I broke it, see pic related. Basically just moved the cube to that particular spot right near the vase and shifted the screen. When you touch 2nd cube that is between frames you get stuck in something lol.

Well, you got stuck inside the box. It's almost like a telefrag. Or not :D

Damn this game is good.


Ok, first off, do you have to have 'music on/off'? I appreciate the option but how difficult is it to have a volume slider?

Also, it seems I broke the game on the second level with the crusher blocks. I pushed the box out a little, stood on top of it and took a running jump. I went off one side of the screen and didn't teleport to the other side. I was able to continue though by re-starting the level.

It's a pretty fun game overall.

It's not difficult at all, but I'm one of that lazy devs :D

Small glitches like that are possible. In-game physics are not perfect. I keep improving them with every update.

Thanks for the feedback!


(Could've sworn I posted my video here.)

Go play this Wolod's games, people. This is a fun and challenging little puzzle platformer with an amusing art style. Plus...dancing bug!

Yes, you did. I remember replying to your comment. Where did it go?

Oh, it actually happened on Gamejolt. Lol

I'd posted it on both sites, but it disappeared from here. Weird...

Yes, that's weird. I checked my notification feed here and I can't see your previous comment.


On level i think seven if you just jump right immediently you stop existing so plz fix


I tried jumping on level 8 but couldn't reproduce this bug. If you encounter this bug again restart level by pressing R or in the pause menu.

Nice game :)

Thanks :)


The native build for Linux does not work out of the box. For Ubuntu 18.10 64-Bit you have to install the following 32-Bit libraries with this command: sudo apt install libnss3:i386 libxtst6:i386

If you don't install this libraries, the game will not start. Maybe this post helps somebody ;-)

BTW: Thanks for this awesome game! I sent you a few bucks.

Wow, I didn't know about this issue. This information will be useful for me as well.

Thanks a lot! Your donation is really appreciated :)


Glad that I could help. As a Linux gamer I'm always willing to help when it comes to my favourite system ;-)


Awesome work with Nymphiad. Good challenge and the nymph is adorable. :)


Nice video you made here! Thanks for playing and I'm really glad that you enjoyed the game :)

Hey, glad you liked the video. Your game is sweet! :) 

A puzzle-platformer with Greek style. The greek bugs of Tithonus.

Yep, something like that.

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