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(1 edit)

no way, no way, i beat the world record any% by 13 seconds!

end chart!

floor 3 items1 keyring of speed
super sharp sword
end time:




never picked up items:

shield, big potion X3, 1 key, and skull necklace.

floor 1 items2 keyssuper sharp sword
floor 2 items1 keysuper sharp sword

My congratulations! I'll patch the game soon (before the release of Knightin'+). Player won't be able to skip shield after that ;)

nah wtf how do you skip shield :0

Wolod let me know if there actually was a glitch cause this doesnt sound believable so far i tried everything and even so look at his 100% run times they look made up

Hey, ExoticPanda! It's not a glitch, but a little level design flaw. Nevermind it anyway. I'll upload the updated version with lots of fixes soon.

you just buy the key from the shop then walk though the door to skip shield.

Cute, fun, polished and beautiful. Good work, I love it! <3

Thank you very much ^_^

first game i played on

Hope you've enjoyed it ;)

i did i wish the store have more of the items at a low price

Hey! I really enjoyed the game, it was incredibly enjoyable and overall fun to play as well as well as fairly challenging! Good luck with further developements!

Glad that you enjoyed my game, I enjoyed your video too. Don't be very harsh on Jeff, he seems to be a nice guy :)

I want to clarify some points.

Both of us (me and McMillen the developer of Binding of Isaac) used old Legend of Zelda games as inspiration for our creations. In fact Knightin' is more similar to Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past than Binding of Isaac. It was an amazing game by the way. A real masterpiece. You should really check it out. I bet that you'll really enjoy it. Just use any free emulator if you don't have any old Nintendo console.

Also I made this game all by myself. But it took me 16 days actually. Pixel Day didn't have very strict deadline ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


nice game, i want more

There will be more. Just you wait :)

Fun and simple. I wish the last boss had a bit better tells and that more puzzles actually required you to use the items you find, but overall great.

Thanks! Glad that you liked it.

This is a really good game! I really enjoyed it! Good work!

Thanks a lot!

Check The Livestream out!

Wolod you talked about a updated version of Knightin a while back is it getting close to finished? Sorry but its about to 2 months since you said that.

Hey! Knightin'+ is going to be finished this summer. And original Knightin' will be updated few days before the sequel release.

Nice Wolod

100% World Record 12:43.31

-3min off last Record 15:42.79

No Damage World Record 3:37.16 

-11 secs off last record

Hey Hold678 if youre there tell me had no communication and my runs havent been submitted yet just wanna know if youre still there.

Wasn't the best speed-run but i saved 2 secs

I got World Record in this 20min live stream so I suggest you see this.

Wanna see when World Record Starts go to 11:38 in video!

I edited this video to where it ONLY show World Record now so dont bother looking for it! its right in front of you!

Hope this helped Hold678 i pulled the clip out for you.

(1 edit)

Hi i'm the one who got 3:53 for any%. I'm trying to get the world record and i'm using the timer your using but the timer wont show on screen, do you know how to get it on screen?

OMG dude your back ive been waiting for your return if you have a youtube tell me. But if your using OBS is it recording right?

if not use OBS or if its not working tell me. Now do you use LiveSplit I mean you say you use it so ill go with yes. But idk because for me i click the livesplit then open up the window that i need it to be shown on.  so maybe minimize whatever browser you are using click on your timer and then click the browser again but pull it back up at the bottom of page?

I could only figure it out if maybe you recorded the problem and posetd it to your channel on youtube for me to see.

But after that is fixed if you do Any% runs submit them to leaderboard and I'd like to know if you'd ever do 100% or No Damage?

Btw I think Hold678 has mysteriously disappeared and he's the Knightin' Leaderboard Mod and the ONLY mod right now so idk when he'll be back but i'd say submit any runs you can submit!

No i don't have a youtube, OBS or LiveSplit so that might be the problem.

but i cant get a youtube. :( 

Also how does OBS work? Besides LiveSplit is not working...

Well do you have a timer? I mean LiveSplit is free and there are tutorial on youtube on how to download same with OBS unless you already have a recording software

Hey Hold678 nice to see that the leaderboard finally changed and kept the actual date the run was first uploaded! it must have been slowly loading on leaderboard for weeks now and finally got up by itself? Just glad it finally made it!

it's a good game with good music... i like


thank you ^_^

exotic please resubmit your 15 minute run in 100%

Your 15 minute 100% run is not working for some reason I have no idea why

WTF how ive uploaded like 2nd time now 

try taking down my 1st one and upload 15min one ill submit again but if still not work ill resubmit my 17:55


cute grhapichs! its great! take a look of our game too! Fluffy Defenders! Thanks!

Thanks! I'll check your game today.

Another quality work by Wolod, Knightin' spruces up the look of an old school Zelda dungeon, gives some fun dungeon puzzles to figure out, and sasses you in a scroll. It's never super difficult and always fun. I dig it.

Good job on this.

Thanks a lot! I enjoyed your video very much!

shredded 2 min off 

Fun little game, very much enjoy games like these! =D 

Glad that you enjoyed Knightin'!

You missed a shield on the second floor, but you did well without it anyway :D

I'll narrow a gap between pillars near the boss door. Thanks for pointing that out.

Hahaha not a prob! xD Loved the game! Also yah I figured I missed SOMETHING like that =P

hey Hold678 add one more rule to 100% that says "open all chests." then it'd be 100% run.

This is actually one of my favorite games, I tried to find a way to convert it to a .NES file, so I could download it on my DS, nut haven't found a way.

can someone help with this?

I don't think that it's possible.

sad. It's my favorite game so far, though a little short, I guess that's to expect in indie gadev.

I'm making a game of my own, and this platformer only has 10 levels so far!!

This is my chart for all floors:

Completion:Floor 1:Floor 2:Floor 3:
map completion:100%100%100%
Item completion:100%100%100%

Good job on the no damage run of the game. I believe there is improvement in the 100% run. Again very good job.

YEET 3:48 not bad for 1st COMPLETED run of No Damage! i had 20 other attempts before getting great coin RNG and no getting hit!

Wolod by any chance after you beat the Quag do coin drops become less frequent? cause i did 100% run and after boss coins were harder to acquire for 100%. by my time was actually 17:55 because Ghost Amulet grind

Exotic your run did not have you collect the fourth item. I realize it is very hard to collect the health upgrade and the key and the item from the shop. But you must collect all of those 

thats fine itll make runs after 10:00 though guess it more of a challenge ;) just how do i grind coins for the last item

ok Hold678 i submitted a run of every room and every item from ShopKeeper and ended up with 17:55! The Ghost Amulet grind was so much time i ended boss at 8:04 thats almost 10 min grind! next time im grinding before fighting boss! also obs is working for me now thanks for the suggestion.

Wonder when DarkCreeperLord will come back cause after i beat his time by a lot i haven't seen him since! If he wishes to come back and try he could submit to the' leader-board 

This is my (WR) as of being recorded anyway and hope that it will be uploaded to 

World Record Any% 3:40.92 by ExoticPanda

Floor 1-51.90  Floor 2-1:56.72  Floor 3-2:57.67  Boss-3:40.92

its a little laggy (maybe alot) but i did record this legit

yeah i just realized i had to submit it ;)

I just verified it but to say a recorder I use OBS.

Exotic currently I have no rules for Any%  what do you think I should add

Well just say get to 3rd floor and kill Boss Draq? as fast as possible

ill submit a route to the page too

scratch out my 3:31 it has no video proof and i'd like to submit a legit speedrun but i need a good screen recorder!

Hello I am Hold678 I am the moderator of the Knightin' category on the website Here is the link: (It is still work in progress)

Hello! Glad that you're interested in Knightin' :)

(1 edit)

Yeah I started speed running the game. My record is 3:43. I want to show people the game. I would like to see exoticpanda submit a run on the Leaderboard.

dont have a good recorder but if you could suggest one ill record the best time i can get beside 3:31 because it'd be hard to do again at least 3:34-3:36 might be my best but ill try to find one ty

Stumbled upon this gem a few days ago. I have been enjoying my time thoroughly with this game. I love the 2D Zelda games a ton, and you've perfectly captured that feeling when playing. Keep up the amazing work! (Finally made an account for this comment lol!)

Enemy coin drop rate
NO COINS 45% chance
Small Coins (usually 1-3) 30% chance
Medium coins (usually 1-2) 20% chance
Large coins (ONLY 1) 10% chance

This is just my opinion but maybe some one can justify my statement 

-Small are worth 1 

-Medium are worth 3

-Large are worth 5

(1 edit)

You're almost right. Coin values are correct but drop chance looks like table below.

Enemy coin drop rate
No coins50%
1 small coin16.75%
2 small coins13.25%
1 medium coin10%
1 medium and 1 small coin6.75%
1 large coin3.25%

When you bring Knightin'+ in Wolod i might do a no damage run cause this game right now is highly probable for no damage run. At least for me it is cause i just push this game to its limits! Now 100% no damage is probably like 5% possible but if i can find a way to push that to it'd be AMAZING! if some one can do it please show me how you didn't get hit!

You're right. I consider Knightin' a somewhat easy game after you get used to it. I did a couple of no damage runs too while testing it. New types of enemies and traps in Knightin'+ won't make player's life so easy in later dungeons.

Thats nice did you get one without getting hit?

So i found out i can get 100 coins before visiting shopkeeper on 3rd floor which saves time because last time i had to grab the Ring of Speed and kill a couple people then go back to shopkeeper but now i just take quick stop and go straight ahead no turning back!

World Record 100% 7:41.59 by ExoticPanda

Floor 1-2:23.43  Floor 2-4:29.67  Floor 3-6:58.17  Boss-7:41.59

World Record 100% 8:03.72 by ExoticPanda

Floor 1-2:27.49  Floor 2-4:30.39  Floor 3-7:21.27  Boss-8:03.72

Was hoping for under 8min run but somehow my 3rd floor is somehow slow in this run by 6secs compared to floor 1 and floor 2 costing me the run although LiveSplit says its only 0.86secs possible to shed off. IDK if LiveSplit is telling the truth but i think under 8min is possible and LiveSplit is telling me 8:02.

World Record 100% by ExoticPanda

Floor 1-2:30.05  Floor 2-4:37.09  Floor 3-7:21.94  Boss-8:04.11

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